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Here at Wanaka Arts Centre, we are driven by a single goal;
to offer a centralised, accessible, creative hub for our local Creative Wanaka Community.
We endevour to build positive relationships with interested local individuals and groups of all ages, and make a positive impact with all of our pursuits.

Studio #16
Lizzie Thomas

+64 21 286 3449
Guitar, Piano, Ukelele & Music Theory
NZ Modern School of Music
Studio #02
Liz Ritchie
+64 21 209 1366

Operating Hours 08:00am - 10:00pm for studios and Art Groups.
This building is not Open to the public unless we have open days, which will be advised on this page.
No pottery classes
“I am seeking. I am striving.
I am in it with all my heart.”
Vincent Van Gogh

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